Alle Beiträge

Innotech achieves the 17th of the UN Sustainable Development Goals as part of THE GROW.
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Innotech achieves the 17th of the UN Sustainable Development Goals as part of THE GROW.

We already fulfill some of the goals, but have now been officially certified as a member of THE GROW for the first time for achieving the 17th goal, "Partnerships to achieve the goals". The whole Innotech Marketing und Konfektion Rot…

Successful project between Dow and Innotech: Dowsil 993™ in the 8:1 double cartridge.
  • Innotech en

Successful project between Dow and Innotech: Dowsil 993™ in the 8:1 double cartridge.

Successful project between Dow and Innotech: Dowsil 993TM in the 8:1 double cartridge.A success story that shows how solution-oriented Innotech Marketing und Konfektion Rot GmbH works together with adhesive manufacturers to improve adhesive processing. Previously, this adhesive for repair applications…

We are intensifying our regional social commitment in the municipality of Mühlhausen!
  • Innotech en

We are intensifying our regional social commitment in the municipality of Mühlhausen!

As a medium-sized company, it is particularly important to us to further expand our regional commitment. That is why we have donated indoor air disinfection systems worth a total of €11,000 to the municipality of Mühlhausen. The picture shows our…

7 new employees start at Innotech in January 2024!
  • Innotech en

7 new employees start at Innotech in January 2024!

The Innotech team is already growing by 7 new employees at the beginning of the new year. They will support us in various areas of Innotech: Sales, Adhesive Technology Training, Service and Adhesive Logistics. 🚀 Would you like to be…

Innotech presents: The "Selling adhesive bonding" course
  • Innotech en

Innotech presents: The "Selling adhesive bonding" course

Would you like to get started in the field of "Selling adhesives"? Then this online course is just right for you! This course provides you with essential knowledge in the areas of bonding, selling, products and market knowledge. Why is…

The Innotech team wishes you and your families happy holidays!
  • Innotech en

The Innotech team wishes you and your families happy holidays!

Once again this year, we are donating trees instead of sending Christmas presents, because we think that our environment deserves to receive presents too. We have also donated another 50 trees for every flight taken by an Innotech team member.…

Exciting exchange with Henkel Loctite AM at Innotech on the subject of 3D printed nozzles!
  • Innotech en

Exciting exchange with Henkel Loctite AM at Innotech on the subject of 3D printed nozzles!

The 3D-printed nozzles in our solution kit play a key role in providing Henkel Adhesive Technologies customers worldwide with customized application solutions. Brainstorming together for the future of adhesive applications - a successful exchange with Daniel Rothfuss, Maarten Adolf, Julian…

The 6th edition of the Almanac is now available!
  • Innotech en

The 6th edition of the Almanac is now available!

Among other things, it is dedicated to the exciting topic of innovative solutions using 3D printing in the bonding industry. This year you will find 24 new informative technical articles from experts in the industry with concentrated knowledge in the…

The 6th edition of the Almanac of Bonding and Sealing is in our hands!
  • Innotech en

The 6th edition of the Almanac of Bonding and Sealing is in our hands!

We received the first copies fresh off the production line. Here you can see our managing director Anja Gaber and Oliver Baust from ColorDruck handing over the first Almanac of the brand new 6th edition. Get your personal copy, now…

Support for our training team! 📚
  • Innotech en

Support for our training team! 📚

We are pleased to introduce Philipp Schmiel. He is part of our training team & future trainer, his specialty is the automated contact angle measurement of the Brighton Science devices. Philipp is also a contact person for sales & training…

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