Calibration and Service Brighton Science Devices

Calibration and repair service for Brighton Science Surface Analyst

We provide laboratory-accurate and Brighton Science-certified calibration for Surface Analyst 2001, 3001 & 5001 devices at our location in Rettigheim/Heidelberg. This enables a fast and uncomplicated processing within Europe, ensuring that your device will be back in operation quickly.

Only regular calibration according to manufacturer specifications will guarantee reliable measurement results and operation. All functional components undergo technical inspection and maintenance or repair if necessary. Additionally, we install the latest software updates.

We supply the Performance Check Cards or the HPLC water cartridges, which makes reordering faster and easier for you.

For geometrically challenging components we provide individually 3D printed feet - precisely tailored to your specifications. This upgrade simplifies the measurement process for users.


Please use the following  contact form for inquiries of calibration, repair or ordering components.

Important: Please let us know the type of your surface analyst (2001, 3001 or 5001)

After receiving your inquiry, we will send you an offer including costs and timeframe for the calibration



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