Innotech Rot  •  DVS®/EWF adhesive specialist

Price Category 1
Höchster Preis, meist auch höchste Qualität.

Price Category 5
Niedrigster Preis, meist auch niedrigste Qualität.

Price Category Preiskat. 1

Price Category 1
Höchster Preis, meist auch höchste Qualität.

Price Category 5
Niedrigster Preis, meist auch niedrigste Qualität.

Price Category Preiskat. 1

DVS®/EWF adhesive specialist


Innotech Rot
DVS®/EWF adhesive specialist

Necessary personnel qualification to comply with DIN2304-1. Three-week course for industrial users of adhesive bonding technology with an instructional function. Qualification of participants for use in industrial manufacturing and product development. After successfully completing the course, the participants are qualified to prepare work instructions and to instruct employees and bonding practitioners in theory and practice. In addition, participants will then be able to plan, organise and monitor bonding work processes, control process parameters and adjust them if necessary. The participants are trained to recognise and react to irregularities in production. The successfully passed examination serves as proof of competence and qualifies to take over the tasks and powers of the responsible bonding supervisor (according to DIN 6701-2 or DVS® 3310 and 3311 guidelines) in a company.

Manufacturer:Innotech Marketing und Konfektion Rot GmbH
Category:Further training in adhesive bonding technology and training material
Stock Item:No

Price Category 1
Höchster Preis, meist auch höchste Qualität.

Price Category 5
Niedrigster Preis, meist auch niedrigste Qualität.

Price Category 1

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