
Henkel Loctite 3D printing – Resins and cleaners

Also available from us now!

Henkel Loctite 3D printing – Resins and cleaners

Also available from us now!

LOCTITE  •  3860 HDT180 High Heat Black

Price Category 1
Höchster Preis, meist auch höchste Qualität.

Price Category 5
Niedrigster Preis, meist auch niedrigste Qualität.

Price Category Preiskat. 3

Price Category 1
Höchster Preis, meist auch höchste Qualität.

Price Category 5
Niedrigster Preis, meist auch niedrigste Qualität.

Price Category Preiskat. 3

3860 HDT180 High Heat Black

LOCTITE 3D 3860 HDT180 High Heat BlackLOCTITE 3D 3860 HDT180 High Heat BlackLOCTITE 3D 3860 HDT180 High Heat Black

3860 HDT180 High Heat Black

LOCTITE 3D 3860 is a rigid resin that withstands high temperature stress and it is ideal for applications where high resolution and high HDT is required. Printed articles made from LOCTITE 3D 3860 exhibit high heat deflection temperature (HDT) and good print resolution. LOCTITE 3D 3860 is a low viscosity liquid, printable at room temperature across various DLP Platforms.

Manufacturer:Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Category:3D Printed Accessories and Resins
Stock Item:No

Price Category 1
Höchster Preis, meist auch höchste Qualität.

Price Category 5
Niedrigster Preis, meist auch niedrigste Qualität.

Price Category 3

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