Ground-breaking ceremony for our new logistics and production center in Mühlhausen has taken place

Yesterday evening, a number of Innotech Marketing und Konfektion Rot GmbH employees came together to celebrate the start of a new chapter in our company's history. With spade and helmet, our managing directors Joachim Rapp and Anja Gaber together with the mayor of Mühlhausen Jens Spanberger, our architects Mr. and Mrs. Reiß and the site manager Mr. Mayer, initiated the start of the construction work.

A modern center is being built on an area of 1440 square meters, which will optimize the supply processes for dealers, adhesive manufacturers and OEMs and drive forward our sustainability course.

Completion is planned for early 2025, with new jobs in the region and faster processing of shipping, adhesive samples and test specimen production, packaging and much more for our customers.

Innotech News, 16.02.2024

Ground-breaking ceremony for Innotech's new logistics and production center in Mühlhausen

Ground-breaking ceremony for Innotech's new logistics and production center in Mühlhausen

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