CEO and Senator of the Senate of Economy Joachim Rapp and Andreas Groß on May 8th in Berlin!

Joachim Rapp as our CEO and Senator of the Senate of Economy Germany , bringsAndreas Gross from Fraunhofer IFAM to Berlin where he will give an important lecture on May 8th in front of high-ranking politicians of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection Senators and business representatives on the topic:
Adhesion "Opportunities for Germany and Europe".
1. verified longevity
2. cost reduction for the federal government, federal states, municipalities and companies and
3. market leadership in the joining technology of the 21st century and how we can defend it.

These are the 3 key topics that you can all look forward to.
On Friday, Joachim was in Bremen to discuss this presentation, as well as other topics, with Andreas Groß and roughly organize them.

We at Innotech are proud that our small, successful company now has such a high profile in the industry to be able to play a role in promoting adhesive bonding technology here.

At the Senate of Economy Europe's Europe Day at the "Haus der Bundespressekonferenz" in Berlin, of course Anja Gaber and Joachim Rapp will also be present.

Joachim Rapp  CEO and Senator of the Senat of the Economy Europe together with Andreas Gross

Joachim Rapp CEO and Senator of the Senat of the Economy Europe together with Andreas Gross

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